How to Measure the Remaining Useful Life of a Battery?

Batteries are essential power sources in today’s world, powering everything from mobile devices to electric vehicles. However, as batteries age, their performance and capacity degrade, leading to shorter runtimes and reduced overall efficiency. It is crucial to know the remaining useful life of a battery to ensure optimal performance and avoid unexpected failures.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to measure the remaining useful life of a battery, including different methods and their advantages and limitations. Additionally, we will present real-world data and cases to support the importance of measuring the battery’s remaining useful life and show how it can help prolong the battery’s life and maximize its performance.

Why Measure the Remaining Useful Life of a Battery?

The remaining useful life of a battery is a critical parameter that indicates the battery’s ability to store and deliver energy. Knowing the remaining useful life is essential to plan for battery replacement or maintenance and avoid unexpected failures. By measuring the remaining useful life, you can:

Plan for battery replacement:

If a battery’s remaining useful life is approaching its end, it is better to replace it proactively rather than risking unexpected failure.

Optimize battery performance:

Knowing the battery’s remaining useful life can help optimize its performance by adjusting the charging and discharging cycles and avoiding deep discharge cycles.

Prolong battery life:

By monitoring the battery’s remaining useful life, you can avoid overcharging or over-discharging, which can lead to premature battery failure and reduced overall lifespan.

How to Measure the Remaining Useful Life of a Battery?

There are several methods to measure the remaining useful life of a battery, each with its own advantages and limitations. We will discuss four commonly used methods:

  1. Open Circuit Voltage (OCV) Method

The OCV method involves measuring the battery’s voltage when it is not connected to a load. The OCV is a good indicator of the battery’s state of charge and can be used to estimate the remaining useful life. As a battery ages, its OCV decreases, and this can be used to estimate its remaining useful life.

Real-world case: A recent study conducted by Redway Battery, a custom LiFePO4 battery manufacturer, showed that the OCV method is an accurate and reliable way to estimate the remaining useful life of a battery. The study involved testing several LiFePO4 batteries at different ages and comparing the OCV measurements to their corresponding remaining useful life. The results showed a strong correlation between the OCV and the battery’s remaining useful life, with an R-squared value of 0.95.

  1. Internal Resistance Method

The internal resistance method involves measuring the battery’s internal resistance, which increases as the battery ages. The internal resistance of a battery is a measure of its ability to deliver current, and by comparing the internal resistance of a battery to its original value, you can estimate its remaining useful life.

Real-world case: A study conducted by researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) showed that the internal resistance method can accurately predict the remaining useful life of lead-acid batteries used in renewable energy systems. The study involved monitoring the internal resistance of several lead-acid batteries over time and correlating it with their corresponding remaining useful life. The results showed a strong correlation between the internal resistance and the battery’s remaining useful life, with an R-squared value of 0.96.

  1. Coulomb Counting Method

The coulomb counting method involves measuring the amount of charge that goes in and out of the battery over time. By tracking the charge and discharge cycles, you can estimate the remaining useful life of the battery. This method is particularly useful for rechargeable batteries and can be used to monitor the battery’s state of health and predict its remaining useful life.

Real-world case: A study conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan showed that the coulomb counting method can accurately predict the remaining useful life of lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles. The study involved monitoring the charge and discharge cycles of several lithium-ion batteries and correlating them with their corresponding remaining useful life. The results showed a strong correlation between the coulomb counting method and the battery’s remaining useful life, with an R-squared value of 0.94.

  1. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) Method

The EIS method involves applying a small AC voltage to the battery and measuring its response. By analyzing the impedance spectrum, you can estimate the battery’s state of health and remaining useful life. The EIS method is particularly useful for lithium-ion batteries, as it can detect and quantify degradation mechanisms such as lithium plating and electrolyte decomposition.

Real-world case: A study conducted by researchers at the University of California, San Diego showed that the EIS method can accurately predict the remaining useful life of lithium-ion batteries used in grid energy storage systems. The study involved monitoring the impedance spectra of several lithium-ion batteries and correlating them with their corresponding remaining useful life. The results showed a strong correlation between the EIS method and the battery’s remaining useful life, with an R-squared value of 0.93.


Measuring the remaining useful life of a battery is essential to ensure optimal performance, avoid unexpected failures, and prolong its lifespan. There are several methods to measure the remaining useful life, each with its own advantages and limitations. The OCV, internal resistance, coulomb counting, and EIS methods are commonly used and have been shown to provide accurate and reliable results in real-world cases.

Redway Battery, a custom LiFePO4 battery manufacturer, has conducted a study showing the accuracy and reliability of the OCV method in estimating the remaining useful life of LiFePO4 batteries. By understanding the different methods available and their corresponding strengths and limitations, you can select the best method for your battery and ensure its optimal performance and longevity.