How to Transport lithium based Batteries

Lithium-based batteries have become an essential component of our modern lives. They power our mobile devices, electric vehicles, and even some household appliances. However, the transportation of lithium-based batteries can be potentially hazardous if not done correctly. In this article, we will discuss how to safely transport lithium-based batteries and provide examples of incidents that highlight the importance of proper transportation.

The Importance of Safe Transportation

Lithium-based batteries contain flammable electrolytes that can catch fire if the battery is damaged or short-circuited. This risk is magnified during transportation, where batteries can be exposed to high temperatures, pressure changes, and physical impact. Improperly transported lithium-based batteries can pose a threat to the safety of individuals, damage property, and disrupt transportation services.

Case Study: Samsung Galaxy Note 7

One of the most well-known incidents related to the transportation of lithium-based batteries is the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 debacle. In 2016, Samsung launched the Galaxy Note 7, which was equipped with a lithium-ion battery. Soon after the launch, reports started emerging of Galaxy Note 7s catching fire, exploding, and causing injuries. Samsung eventually issued a global recall of the device, costing the company billions of dollars.

Investigations revealed that the problem was caused by the battery’s design, which caused a short circuit, leading to thermal runaway and, in some cases, an explosion. The transportation of these faulty batteries played a significant role in the issue, with some batteries catching fire during transportation and others being damaged during the handling process.

Best Practices for Transporting Lithium-based Batteries

To avoid incidents like the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, it is essential to follow best practices for transporting lithium-based batteries. Here are some guidelines:

  1. Follow Regulations: Different countries and transportation modes have different regulations regarding the transportation of lithium-based batteries. Make sure to research and comply with the regulations that apply to your situation.
  2. Use Proper Packaging: Lithium-based batteries should be transported in their original packaging or in packaging specifically designed for the purpose. This packaging should provide adequate protection from impact, vibration, and other hazards. Companies such as Redway Battery, a custom lithium battery manufacturer, offer specialized packaging for lithium-based batteries.
  3. Insulate the Terminals: The terminals of lithium-based batteries should be insulated to prevent contact with metal objects, which can cause a short circuit.
  4. Declare the Batteries: When traveling with lithium-based batteries, you must declare them to the transportation provider. This will allow them to take any necessary precautions and ensure that the batteries are transported safely.
  5. Carry-on Preferred: If possible, carry lithium-based batteries in your carry-on luggage rather than checked baggage. This will allow you to keep an eye on the batteries and ensure that they are not exposed to extreme temperatures or other hazards.
  6. Keep the Batteries Cool: Lithium-based batteries should be kept in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. This will help prevent them from overheating or catching fire.


The transportation of lithium-based batteries requires caution and attention to detail. Failing to follow best practices can result in severe consequences, as demonstrated by the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 incident. To ensure safe transportation of lithium-based batteries, follow the guidelines provided by transportation providers and regulatory bodies, and use specialized packaging from companies such as Redway Battery. By doing so, we can continue to benefit from the convenience and efficiency of lithium-based batteries while minimizing the associated risks.