Why do SLA batteries fail? Is SLA and AGM the same?

Batteries are an integral component of many electronic devices, from cars to laptops to medical equipment. One popular type of battery is the sealed lead-acid (SLA) battery. However, SLA batteries can sometimes fail, leaving users with a dead device. In this article, we’ll explore why this happens and whether SLA and AGM batteries are the same.

Why do SLA batteries fail?

SLA batteries can fail for a variety of reasons. One common cause is overcharging, which can lead to the battery producing excessive heat and gas. This can damage the internal components of the battery and cause it to fail prematurely. Another culprit is undercharging, which can cause a buildup of lead sulfate on the battery plates, reducing the battery’s capacity and eventually causing it to fail.

Age is also a factor in SLA battery failure. Over time, the internal components of the battery can degrade, reducing its capacity and ability to hold a charge. Exposure to extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can also hasten battery failure. Finally, physical damage, such as dropping or crushing the battery, can cause internal damage and render the battery unusable.

Is SLA and AGM the same?

SLA batteries and AGM (absorbent glass mat) batteries are not the same, although they are both types of lead-acid batteries. The key difference between the two is the way the electrolyte (the liquid that conducts electricity within the battery) is contained. In an SLA battery, the electrolyte is free-flowing, while in an AGM battery, it is absorbed into a glass mat. This makes AGM batteries more resistant to vibration and better at handling deep discharges. AGM batteries are also typically more expensive than SLA batteries.

While SLA batteries can sometimes fail, understanding the reasons behind their failure can help you prolong the life of your battery and prevent unexpected downtime. Additionally, knowing the difference between SLA and AGM batteries can help you choose the right type of battery for your needs. With proper care and attention, your battery can provide reliable, long-lasting power for years to come.